Chris Seong 


Graduate Student (2020-Present)


Hi! I'm Chris. I'm an international student from New Zealand. The first time I got the full force of Minnesota winter was in my undergrad in St. Olaf College, where I worked under Dr. Elodie Marlier on coordination chemistry. In terms of hobbies I enjoy cooking, gaming, and making music in my spare time. I also beatbox, and was involved in an acapella group in my undergrad.  


Publications Outside the Group

Publications in the Roberts Group

17) Energy-Activated and Diversifiable Aryne Precursors from Carboxylic Acids

Chris M. Seong ǂ, Sallu S. Kargbo ǂ, Chia-Ling Yu ǂ, Daniel Gibney, Jan-Niklas Boyn*, Courtney C. Roberts*

ǂ Contributed equally

8) Redox-Neutral Decarboxylative and Desulfonylative C(sp3) Trifluoromethylation: Method Development and Mechanistic Inquiry 

Chris M. Seong, Courtney C. Roberts*

Special Issue - Next-Generation Cross-Coupling Chemistry

JOC Most Read Articles (July 2023)

6) Redox Inversion: A Radical Analog of Umpolung Reactivity for Base and Metal-Free Catalytic C(sp3)–C(sp3) Coupling 

Chris M. Seong ǂ, Annabel Q. Ansel ǂ, Courtney C. Roberts*

ǂ Contributed equally

JOC Most Read Articles (March - April, 2023)

Ph.D. Candidate

(Since 2021/12/06)