Hi! I'm Felicia, and I'm an international student from Taiwan. I earned my B.S. and M.S in chemistry from National Cheng Kung University. Outside of lab, I enjoy traveling and recording my life (writing diary, taking photos, making videos, etc.). I also love cooking and watching series at home.
Publications Outside the Group
Publications in the Roberts Group
17) Energy-Activated and Diversifiable Aryne Precursors from Carboxylic Acids
Chris M. Seong ǂ, Sallu S. Kargbo ǂ, Chia-Ling Yu ǂ, Daniel Gibney, Jan-Niklas Boyn*, Courtney C. Roberts*
ǂ Contributed equally
Ph.D. Candidate
Ph.D. Candidate
(Since 2024/12/03)